Learn foreign languages easily
Learning a new language can be a strenuous task, Not only new words are needed to be imbibed... but also new scripts and pronunciation. To help you with this endeavor, we have brought the latest learning tool, MemoBlaster.
MemoBlaster is a simple software that works on the principle of making you work on your mistakes to learn better. Simply download for free from softpaz.com and configure any new word that you have learned. Everyday it displays these words for you to recount the meaning and learn! The words you score bad on, are repeated often so better learning process!
MemoBlaster is a simple software that works on the principle of making you work on your mistakes to learn better. Simply download for free from softpaz.com and configure any new word that you have learned. Everyday it displays these words for you to recount the meaning and learn! The words you score bad on, are repeated often so better learning process!
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